The yew is considered to be the most potent tree for protection against evil, means
of connecting to your ancestors, a bringer of dreams and otherworld journeys,
and a symbol of the old magic. In hot weather it gives off a resinous vapour
which shamen inhaled to give visions. Yew wood was regarded as especially magical
to the Celts, due to it's connection with the dead and the ancestors which they deeply respected.
The yew tree, or yew wood, the Tree Ogham Idho, is the link to spiritual guidance
through your ancestors, guides and guardians in the Otherworld. The yew is here
to remind us that there are other levels of existence beyond this material plane.
By understanding the illusionary nature of the life we have created for ourselves,
we can live our lives more consciously. Often death is fraught with a sense of loss,
but the yew can teach us to see death as a form of transformation, and is never
The yew can be used to assist otherworld journeys and to increase openness
of communication with the otherworld, through an increased ability to understand
and receive the messages which are being given to us by our guides and helpers.
By opening ourselves to intuitively interpreting these messages, and trusting our intuitions to act on what we receive, we can make some real progress as the wheel turns and the death of the situation heralds the birth of another. Ancestors revered the yew above all other trees. It has always been held sacred, and understood as a link with death and rebirth
(Full article>>)
" Ecstasy " - ancient yew root, pure tin. Made in 2007
I use ancient yew root aged more then 1500 years. This historic yew is from forests which grew during Middle Ages on the ancient Jurassic mountains on the southern coast of the Crimean peninsula in the Black Sea. Wood such as this grew from around 400 AD and was felled by inhabitants of the medieval Crimean Gothic kingdom for building a fortress in around 1290 AD. Radio carbon rating tests verify the ege of this wood. This material more all inspired me at work above
Wooden Jewellery Collections
Not so simply to find in mountains of a yew stub from the tree which has been cut down 600 years ago
And then to carry this material on the shoulders approximately 20 kilometers on impassability...